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Biographies & programs



Jessica Harper



Anna Alvizou


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Special Prize of the Foundation "Belle Voci"

Participants Duo 2024.jpg


Franz Schubert

Auf dem See D 543 (J.W.v.Goethe)   - 1R

Goachino Rossini

Soirées musicales

La Promessa "Ch'io mai vi possa amare" (Pietro Metastasio)   - 1R

 La Partenza "Ecco quel fiero istante" (Pietro Metastasio) 

Robert Schumann

Myrthen, Op.25

1. Widmung (Friedrich Rückert)

Franz Liszt

Tre sonetti di Petrarca, S 270

1. Pace non trovo

Henri Duparc


1. L'invitation au voyage (Charles Baudelaire)   - 1R

Ivor Gurney

Five Elizabethan Songs

3. Under the Greenwood Tree (William Shakespeare)   - 1R

4. Sleep (John Fletcher)

Richard Strauss

Drei Lieder der Ophelia, Op.67 (W.Shakespeare/ K.J. Simrock)

1. Wie erkenn' ich mein Treulieb

2. Guten Morgen, 's ist Sankt Valentinstag

3. Sie trugen ihn auf der Bahre bloss

Emile Paladilhe

Psyché (Pierre Corneille)


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Jessica Harper


Year of birth:


Australian  soprano Jessica Harper graduated summa cum laude with a Postgraduate  Concert Soloist Diploma from the Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp in 2022  and holds a Bachelor of Music Performance with First Class Honours from  the Australian National University. She made her debut at the Semperoper  Dresden in the new opera chasing waterfalls in 2022 in the principal  role of Schein/ Ego Fluens. Jessica’s other repertoire includes Donna  Anna (Don Giovanni), Rosalinde (Die Fledermaus), Casilda (The  Gondoliers), Lisa (La Sonnambula), Mrs Norris (Mansfield Park) and  the  title role in Ben Hoadley’s Miss Brill (written for Jessica). Jessica  held the Dame Nellie Melba Scholarship with the Melba Opera Trust in  2018.

Equally at home with concert repertoire,  Jessica jumped in at the Statstheater Magdeburg to sing the soprano solo  in Mahler’s Fourth Symphony in 2022. She has performed the soprano  solos in Handel’s Messiah, Bach’s Johannespassion (for national  broadcast on Australia’s ABC Classic FM), and several other major  oratorio works.

Jessica’s concert repertoire  includes extensive programmes of art song, and she has given recitals in  regional NSW, Sydney, Antwerp and other European cities, as well as  attending Lieder masterclasses with acclaimed musicians such as Malcolm  Martineau, Maciej Pikulski, Hans Eijsackers and Thomas Hampson. Jessica  and her collaborative partner Anna Alvizou, won the prize for ‘best  interpretation of the commissioned piece’ (Sensation, Martin Fondse -  prize awarded by the composer) at the International Lied Festival Zeist  Young Artist Platform in 2023.

Jessica has won,  come second place or been a finalist in every Australian singing  competition. She has been a Semi Finalist in several acclaimed  international competitions, including the Glyndebourne Cup (2020), the  Tenor Viñas Singing Competitin (2021), the Éva Marton a competition  (2021), The Internationaler Mozart Wettbewerb (2023) and was awarded  second prize in the International Rita Gorr Competition in Ghent (2022).

Anna Alvizou


Anna  Alvizou was born in Greece. She has studied Piano Performance with  Lambis Vassiliadis at the Ionian University, from where she has  graduated with a Bachelors Degree with the highest grade. She continued  her studies in Germany, where she obtained a Masters Degree in Piano  Performance and a second Masters Degree in Lied accompaniment, from the  class of Peter Nelson at the Musikhochschule Trossignen, both with the  highest grade.

She emphasized further in Lied and  Opera repertoire with pianists Jeanne-Minette Cilliers and Aaron  Wajnberg at the Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp where she has also worked  as a singers’ accompanist.

She has participated in  numerous masterclasses, with some of the world’s leading artists in the  genre of Lied, like Elly Ameling, Malcolm Martineau, Joseph Middleton,  Roderick Williams, Hans Eijsackers, Robert Hall, Maciej Pikiulski, Iain  Burnside etc.

In 2022 she has been awarded the  prize of the ‘’best Lied pianist’’ of the International Triomphe de  l’art competition in Brussels, in the Lied duo category. Together with  soprano Jessica Harper, they were Young Artists of the International  Lied Festival Zeist, where they were awarded the prize of the best  performance of the compulsory piece of the competitive section of the  program.

Anna is pursuing a freelancing career as a  young Lied-pianist. Future engagements in 2023-2024 season include  concerts in Belgium, the Netherlands and Greece with various artists and  in organizations like the Antwerp Lied Festival among others.

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