On Friday, May 31, 2024 in the Small Hall of the Stadthalle Görlitz, at around 9:30 p.m., the jury made its decision and the winners for the 2nd edition of the competition were announced. The very high level of the competition was due to the fact that the "Belle Voci" Foundation and Mr. Bartosz Zurakowski as well as the chairwoman of the Ars Augusta e.V. association had further special prizes to award.
So these were the results of this exciting week full of top-class musical performances:
1 Prize: Sarah Gilford (soprano, England) and Ewa Danilewska (pianist, Poland)
2 Prize: Jessica Harper (soprano, Australia) and Anna Alvizou (piano, Greece)
3 Prize: Theano Papadaki (soprano, Greece) and Thomas Eeckhout (piano, Belgium)
Preis für die beste Liedbegleitung: Daniel Silcock (Pianist, Schottland)
Publikumspreis: Jan-Henrik Witkowski (Bass, Deutschland) und Doriana Tchakarova (Pianistin, Bulgarien)
Special award of "Museum der Romantik in Dresden": Alexandra Beason (soprano, England) and Daniel Silcock (pianist, Scotland).
Special award "Orpheus" of Society Ars Augusta e.V.
Jana Margová (soprano, Slovekei) and Grzegorz Biegas (pianist, Poland)
Jaewon Jung (tenor, South Korea) and Eunshin Oh (pianist, South Korea)
Sonderpreise der Stiftung "Belle Voci"
Sarah Gilford & Ewa Danilewska
Theano Papadaki & Thomas Eeckhout
Klara Brockhaus & Roberto Focarelli
Sophia Revueltas
We would like to thank all participants of the competition from the bottom of our hearts. Even in the first round, there were artists of outstanding artistic level. In the coming year, our institution will strive to promote all these talents (recitals, concerts, projects, sound recordings).
Sarah Gilford and Ewa Danilewska during the finals